
Identifying the Challenges

By virtue of their purpose, exploration and mining activities are not sustainable.

  • Exploration leads either to mining or the cessation of Company interest in a particular area – depending on results.
  • Mining leads to the depletion of the mineral resource and ultimately the cessation of mining operations.

The concept of “sustainability” in an operational sense relates to the ability of the Company to conduct exploration and mining activities without interruption within the framework of Social Licence.

The broader concept of sustainability relates to “legacy” and is measured in terms of community upliftment, environmental impact and company reputation.

The sustainability challenge facing exploration and mining companies is to operate in a “sustained” manner and in such a way so as to create a positive “legacy” in terms the environment, the community and the Company’s reputation.

Core Values

The Company recognises four core values providing the pillars of Sustainable Performance.

  • Community upliftment
    • Engagement
    • Development
    • Upliftment
  • Environmental Protection
    • Minimising environmental short-term impact
    • Where ever possible, returning the environment to pre-impact conditions
    • Where ever possible, improving the environment from pre-impact conditions
  • Sustained Operations
    • Seamless exploration/mining activities
    • Exploration and Mining segue
    • Decisive development strategies
  • Company Reputation
    • Best practise exploration/mining
    • Highest governance and business ethics standards
    • Genuine community engagement and successful upliftment programs

Sustainability Mission Statement

To conduct sustained exploration and mining activities at the Company project locations in such a manner so as to provide enduring community upliftment, minimal (neutral) environmental impact and Company integrity.